this winter has been mild. i can count on one hand the number of really good stay inside and bake days. today was one. i made bread. handful of this and that bread. and mushrooms to marinade. the fog rolled and the rain came. i noticed the manzanita in bloom - and buds swelling on the apricot tree. a new birth twist to the winter greys. the kiddos snuggled and laughed on the kitchen floor while i kneaded dough. if it weren't for all the wood being wet we would have lit a fire... i cherish these days. bread recipe for the day: this made one large loaf and one big pan of cinnamon rolls... Hearty.
2 c. whole milk
2 TBS butter
2 TBS sugar
2 tsp salt
1/4 c. warm water
1 pkg. yeast
2 c. leftover oatmeal (use reg oats uncooked if none leftover)
3 - 4 c. whole wheat flour - more or less
handfuls of mixed raisens, cinnomon, ginger, clove, and cardomon, i threw in some loose chai mix too just for fun...
*scald milk - add butter & sugar. cool a bit. soften yeast in h2O. combine milk mixture to oatmeal and part flour. when nice temp add yeast and grad. add flour til kneadable. knead and seperate into two. allow to rise. shape and rise again. bake 400 til done.
photos arn't downloading now for some reason. will post them alone perhaps...