
lest the mother forget her 'place'

Th4 is our monkey. more often than not she hears this over her given name. when Jh4mo was born we started thinking "what animal is he"... it came to us one morning a few weeks back. Th, Jh, and I were snuggling in bed - shortly after Pat laft for work. "he's our little turtle" i said. Th4 agreed right away. that night she brought it up to Pat who said when he got to work that morn the same word came to his mind. we have a monkey and a turtle... Last night at dinner Th4 told Pat "i figured out what you are... Bear. Daddy Pat Bear." it fit. so i asked - "well then what am i?" she thought. and thought. i held my breath and secretly prayed 'pick something wild and cool... a tiger, an exoctic bird maybe, a zebra...' she thought and thought. and then- "i know - you can be a house taker carer of-er!". great. put me in my place. again. i asked if maybe we could at least call me the zookeeper. they agreed i could be the zookeeper. at least it SOUNDS just a bit cooler. a bit.


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