
Happy next one

The Christmas holiday passed in a blur of hacking coughs, ear infections, crying eyes, fevered nights, and gobs and gobs of mucus. "oh what fun it is to ride..." I was spared the epidemic.
there is a god that protects mothers against sickness. I believe this is a good thing. Until two weeks of this crud gets to my spirit. I have been up at all hours, soothing, boiling, changing, administering, praying. There is no end in sight. The sick ones sleep. They eat in bed. And read. Sure they feel horrid - but still - what about me?!? End.
It was nice despite. Wonderful moments. My parents here. For Th4 is was a magical time and she got the coolest gifts to date!
the house is recovering now. We finally bit the bullet and sought help from the medical institutions. It meant antibiotocs in the house. They are helping. I've slept again. I feel great!
A year has passed. It is my birthday soon. My son is hungry. I wish ya'll the best.


it's that crazy time of year

we are preparing for the holiday and a house full of company. today smells and feels like winter! we had to harvest our sweet potatoes this am so we'd have a pot for our tree. *see tree below.
TH4 w/ uncle G. At the bar.

I woke up this am and asked Pat if he'd help me dig up this tree. Last year it was run over cutting out a road up here. It's been lying on the ground since. alive but struggling. I told him it wasn't that big, maybe as tall as the girl child. It's ALOT bigger than I thought- like six and a half FEET TALLER. (things look smaller on the ground...) I had to cut many dead branches. We tried to salvage enough of the root system to give it a chance. It will take much pampering to make it. But we have a live tree for this year. I hope it fits in the house...


it's never too early

Papa John. He inherits your eyebrow and wrinkled forehead. Quite possibly your hairline.
Contact and coordination. So many hands you have held. So many legs you have stretched. So many smiles you have won.It's never too early. It's never too late. The secrets of the universe begin to unfold... Papa John. Dad. Teacher. Friend. Thank you!


year one

one year ago he left this tied to the gate. an invitation to come listen to him play. i accepted. this is what i get for picking up trash. two nights later a fire on the mtn, watching stars fall from the sky. dinner in mexico & ice cold red wine. kisses in the ruins on 'insergentes' sealed the deal. it's a bumpy ride. too many dirt roads out here for it not to be. the view is fantastic if a bit cloudy at times. my friend. my compfort. my love. happy anniversary.


i've made peace

my sister and i have gone back and forth about this painting for years. we grew up with it hanging in our various kitchens. we both loved it. she got it. i hated that. she thought she deserved it because she's the oldest. i thought i deserved it because i am selfish. when she and her hubby were moving around and overseas it sat in a wharehouse. i wanted to save it. give it a place of honor in my house.
now it hangs in her living room. alone . above bookshelves. with a whole lotta white space surrounding. it fits. it is at home. i am at peace.

from the air

up and over. tampa below. before i was able to grab the camera we had a great view of the sun dropping and all shades of pink. i never really THOUGHT about flying - but this time it hit me - "what the hell am i doing up here"


settling in

it is taking awhile to get resettled. i have photos to post, but it may take a day or two. i am really considering DSl now... maybe as an early christmas gift to myself. :)