some truths,,,
i will miss a dear soul. there is weepy.ness. and it's still time away and not too soon...
there is new birth all around and - here my babe is - in arms - and the empty womb is reminded as hz asks - can we visit our midwife again soon. and we will, because her birth day approaches...
my girl takes charge with such an eye for detail. she sounds like i do when taking care of biz. and in this i learn to be kinder... she, in all her pre-adolescence, still tells me all the gory detail and hugs me in the morn, and laughs out loud and with no abandon...
my sweet sweet boy will be six. six. ooohhhh... this can't be true , yet it is. and he has a list... a jetpack? a harness? a longboard. because he is told by a mentor that some 5 yr olds can ride them... oh and just one more thing... words trail off as the night ends. he needs his mama to snuggle him to sleep still and he runs to hug me in daylight.
the wild one. well, what can i say... she is sugar plum right hand and mischief left left. she practices her mad-face and builds lands of love and peace. she is THREE. manic and magical. yes.
ooohhh... and you, baby. baby c. you are a chunker at superficial least. and you are amazingly perfect in truth. it doesn't make sense, except that everything from your conception on makes all the perfect non-sense still.... seriously - there is no baby i know that is as at peace and in the know as you.. and in your trying to laugh and to speak i can see in your eyes, there is desire to tell and to teach.
art - i have missed you - and now we are reunited. evenings spent making. days spent creating. moments spent appreciating.
the truth is- life is...
there is new birth all around and - here my babe is - in arms - and the empty womb is reminded as hz asks - can we visit our midwife again soon. and we will, because her birth day approaches...
my girl takes charge with such an eye for detail. she sounds like i do when taking care of biz. and in this i learn to be kinder... she, in all her pre-adolescence, still tells me all the gory detail and hugs me in the morn, and laughs out loud and with no abandon...
my sweet sweet boy will be six. six. ooohhhh... this can't be true , yet it is. and he has a list... a jetpack? a harness? a longboard. because he is told by a mentor that some 5 yr olds can ride them... oh and just one more thing... words trail off as the night ends. he needs his mama to snuggle him to sleep still and he runs to hug me in daylight.
the wild one. well, what can i say... she is sugar plum right hand and mischief left left. she practices her mad-face and builds lands of love and peace. she is THREE. manic and magical. yes.
ooohhh... and you, baby. baby c. you are a chunker at superficial least. and you are amazingly perfect in truth. it doesn't make sense, except that everything from your conception on makes all the perfect non-sense still.... seriously - there is no baby i know that is as at peace and in the know as you.. and in your trying to laugh and to speak i can see in your eyes, there is desire to tell and to teach.
art - i have missed you - and now we are reunited. evenings spent making. days spent creating. moments spent appreciating.
the truth is- life is...