

our child's job is to break our hearts. rip them out and smash them up a bit. this i'm told. and there is some experience there as well.... as a mamabear we bear through. with a grin if we are gracious. tears if we emote. sometimes in defense or spite there is some lashing back out. often a combination of all.

every once in a the rarest of blue moons we hear those sweet words that make it all worthwhile. every so often there is an extra long hug - and snuggle so relaxed - an appreciation not just shown but verbalized as well. these are the crumbs we scitter after as mamas... tiny morsels that carry us to a new height and with greater purpose to be all that they imagine we are.

i've found that by taking my kids beyond the borders of our wee town there is much social observation happening behind their raggedly cut bangs... obvious is the life they could be living... and well, somehow there is awareness enough to know they really are not missing all that much. in the quiet of the eve that follows such an outing i see the love.

so a guilty gratitude to you screamers and spoiler and shopping cart spankers. you are the yeast in the dough that my babes toast up nicely and drop a wee thank you my way.


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