
sunday snippets

week in review. snippets of...

Hazel running to me with huge grins and words of "you are my best mom"... "you look great mom, well, ok enough"... and "well, Duh!! girls school!"... She is a whirlwind hurricane force to reckon with and has a smile to get her out of all kinds of mischief.

Baby goat butting us because she misses her canine pal and the grasses are drying up and this life should be just a bit more exciting...

Charley babe screeching at us to do her bidding. For an extra good measure yelling a bit more after we do that same. Laughing and smiles so big it just melts us all.... Sitting up for stretches on end and watching every move. Oh and a finger licking of smashed banana - this one likes her foods...

Railings on stairs being constructed out of manzanita and apricot branches. Greenhouse winterized. Duck house warmed. Goat pen strawed. Woods gathered and fires built.

Jhrma has boy needs of taking things apart and using the real saws - not just the 'here play with this' ones... Has a lucky hand at yatchzeee ... Entertains his sister in the wee early hours and reads to us in the later ones.

Many a squash we are consuming. Many a potato too. Soup and chili and all those heavy carbed winter comfort foods simmerng these days. Baking breads again and this time with more helping hands,

Thayer wanting to spend her money on x-mas gifts for others. In a very solid secure place. Serious help when she is around. A friendship is forming, and ally always.

A week of thankful and helpfulness...

Days of grey but of games and laughter and peeking sunshine warming.



there are things i like muchly about tiny town we live in.
there are huge annual fires of artistic proportions and celebrations under the moon.

there are solid faces you can count on seeing. at every event. and then there are the select event faces.
and in small ways you love each one.

there are moments i look around and it strikes me how LONG we have been playing this tiny town game.
and how much of the rulebook has changed,,,

there are times i think we have outgrown it.
there are times i know i haven't grown INTO it. not enough.

there is.
there will be....

much heart growth. much heartache.
much more to come...