
~~~ Birdwings ~~~

For all the tiny miracles occurring each moment we draw breath,
for the sacrifices that go unseen and the nourishment given freely and with the purest of love,
for the gentle hands that guide and lead and catch and welcome and warm and embrace,
for the perfect timing of all laid plans ignored,
for the new life we've been entrusted, for the new life it will bring,
for the mother who's arms are empty tonight, and for the heart that is full and the hope that is not extinguished,
and for the children to come.
For this we have no words but ones of pure blessing and gratitude.
Spirits soaring high above gracing us for a time and for purpose, seen or gone unseen, miraculous and perfect.

welcome Charley Savanah Orchard

BirdWings ~Rumi

Your grief for what you’ve lost lifts a mirror
up to where you’re bravely working.

Expecting the worst, you look, and instead,
here’s the joyful face you’ve been wanting to see.

Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes.
if it were always a fist or always stretched open,
you would be paralyzed.

Your deepest presence is in every small contracting
and expanding,
The two as beautifully balanced and coordinated
as birdwings.