
reinvent in thirty

these days we are given are a gift from beyond. what we do with them is a will and journey. this is a time to re-invent the wheel. to lighten the load of fantasy and meaningless. this is my time to grow and to be and to love without measure.... this what i make of it.... a cutting of locks. a cutting of ties. a time to hold on to the true. to walk boldly in uncertainty. to walk into unknowns knowing well. i am guarded and cherished. i am grace and beauty. i am. fully challenged. i am....



fire a blazin' - babes all nested - minutes tickin' by - what is next?
night skies friendly. drink in hand handy. sock sortin' fun just begun.
join into the circle of mamadom happenin' - what is to come will come.
reinvention. reincarnation. recycling old to the new.
to you and to yours and to all who will listen.
i am here and i hear and i question.....


this new year

where have you been oh beautiful blog? those who have moved on i miss. time for a revamp. a recap. time once again for a re - ......
time has been passing and love withstanding. love has been passing and time all encompassed. years gone and chance lost. time gone and chances presenting. to you who are out there - to you who enjoy - to you who follow our days... be patient and pressing - make your. self. known...