when we left home two months ago i had two pairs of shoes. when we left home the second time we downsized. from a van to an suv. i took the winter boots. only. the arizona winter boots. headed north. i wore three pairs of socks. and my toes were still cold. each time we saw new boots i talked myself out of the expence. knowing we'd be south soon...
i wore my boots for a week in florida. sweating and sticky. thinking i could endure another month and having a good story to tell... but a thrift shop is a sneaky thing. it's hard to beat a three doller pair of sandels when your feet are hot and your mood is not. but a thrift shop is a tricky thing and those sandels backfire. being a tad too big and blister causing. you end up having to wear them with socks after you throw the boots away.
but a thrift shop is the place to be. when you are technically homeless and some days you look it. when after a few days you ask if you can swap the sandels out on a pair that do fit. that cost even less. they give you the new shoes with a wink and a warning not to tell anyone about it. then they take two dollars off your other purchases. and give your daughter a free toy...