
my gift to you

happy holiday ya'll. this year my gift to everyone is this - ignoring all the usual expectations and obligatory hooplahs - kickin' back and being a better wife and mother for it. smiling more, huggin' my babies more, trying to laugh just a little bit more. don't expect a card from me this year - or anything under the tree. just a whole lot o love pouring out. peace in your traditions. love from the desert. ~


in a word

broken. on the verge of who knows what. for those who check in from time to time - what can i say. i'm still here. barely.
busy doesn't account for much. but nothing else comes to mind.
just watching as things fall apart around me. trying to hold it together. barely.
home computer is dead. doorknobs have more life. and all photos and data gone.
bare with me folks. send a thought and a prayer. peace...


takin' care o bit-ness

well... much has fallen between the cracks. let's catch up. the kiddos and i just returned from a visit to hell. (read - florida) love the family. hate the state. had a great time with my sis, but so very happy to get home...
now we prepare for the next adventure. folks - we are loadin' up the wagon and hittin' the road. three months out. with the kiddos. in the van. good times will be had. sights seen. yadayada.
pat is on a booking rampage (tour dates will be posted here and on his website - - so come see us if you are in the neighborhood) let me just say now - i'm pretty proud of my man. he's workin' hard to make this happen for us. we've been ignoring the itch for a bit too long now...
many little loose ends to tie up now. counting down one month. the practicalities add up quickly. one by one. step by step. reminder to self. breath. leaving you now. again. thanks for stoppin' by. be back soon. love love.