

have i mentioned the rain? an old fridge takes a trip about a mile down the street.
in two weeks we've had more rain than our annual average.
buckets in downspout. short amounts of time. lot's of washout.
down the mountain creeks a runnin'
waterfalls and swimming holes.
glorious glorious MUDD!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crazy!!! We're in a drought right now. I just heard our city wells are 100 feet in the negative! Not good! Maybe we'll get some of that rain!

12:26 AM  
Blogger mtnmama said...

stacey, i do hope you are doing your part to conserve what water ya'll do have. these climate cahnges are pretty bizarre these days.
sis, all the photos are from the property - except the first. we have one lil swimming hole - which right now is full of rock and sand washed down. when it's dug out it's about two feet deep.

10:52 AM  

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