
thursday is a good night for...

the grandfolks left last night...
pat is playing a gig 5 1/2 hours out of town...
both kiddos have colds. making us miss swimming...
the lil one just started walking. two steps here. three there. so proud so proud...

sushi was very much in order for tonight.


Blogger mtnmama said...

i don't know, the TRUTH is i had made it all for me - to enjoy witha drink and a movie - AFTER the kiddos were tucked and snugged. it only became a sushi party when i couldn't wait any longer and my adorable culinary magnets were still awake. still a good mom? maybe. i DID share afterall. AND skipped the movie to clean the house... *G*

2:47 PM  
Blogger skatey katie said...

*adorable culinary magnets*
too cute.
i have some smoked salmon in my fridge just waiting for a sushi moment.. bought an avocado today, as soon as it's ripe "i think i'm turning japanese.."

12:14 AM  

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