
crisis? perhaps no...

... more of a mid-life "now what?"...
seeing the beauty in all my many mistakes and trying to cipher through the b.s.
what does it mean to hit this point at 29? can i expect to live out a good 60 years in this round? or am i perhaps just an old old soul? does that matter in the least when each day is new and the only lesson to learn is how to say when. and no. and enough. and yes... dear god... bring it on!!!


Blogger TulipGirl said...

Bring it on!

Twenty-nine was an introspective time for me. I expected 30 to be a good year, and it was one of the most challenging. Now firmly in the midst of my 30s, I feel grounded and good. It's good.

Weren't you expecting this year to be your saturn return? Perhaps you were more right than you knew?

9:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its an amazing time in your life now, as you seem to know, just reminding you when the times are hard, love these tuff moments because these moments are making you choose now, no time for the bull, you cant push these choices aside no more, choose now and be who you are now, no more time left for contemplation, you have done enough of that, define yourself now , and love it and finally breathh ahh cheerss enjoy this time

2:27 PM  

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